Monday, February 10
How to Throw a Socially Distanced Party
Advice, AI, News

How to Throw a Socially Distanced Party

Hosting a party these days can be a daunting task. You may be worried about others getting sick or catching the virus yourself. Months of isolation have left us all feeling lonely and anxious to gather again with friends and family. Social loneliness can lead to increased rates of depression and anxiety, which is why it is vital to still create fun ways to interact with loved ones. Meaningful communication with others in a group setting is beneficial to your mental health, and by sticking to a few simple guidelines you can still throw that annual holiday party safely. Whether it's an 18th birthday or a 50th birthday, here are some essentials for planning a successful socially distanced gathering for any occasion. Dress up. Distract your guests from all the safety precautions and get...
How to Upgrade Your House to a Smart Home

How to Upgrade Your House to a Smart Home

The days when making a home a smart home was only done in the movies or by really tech-savvy wealthy people are long gone. Now anyone with the know-how can easily turn their ordinary home into a smart home, the kind that was once thought to be portrayed only in sci-fi movies. Of course, there are pros and cons to smart home tech, and you need to determine whether it's the best option for you.   Whether you're turning your home into a smart home as a DIY project, just one more of those hobbies that boost your intelligence, or looking to upgrade your home for convenience, energy-efficiency, and to become more eco-friendly to help save the planet, it's not as hard to upgrade as it once was. In this article, you'll find a few tips to help you switch from a regular old home to a smar...
What to Do if Your Child Has a Birth Injury
Advice, Legal, News

What to Do if Your Child Has a Birth Injury

Having a baby is one of the most magical times in anyone's life. Imagining your life together as a new family, all the sweet moments of snuggling, all the first moments in your child's life, all the special days you'll spend together—all of these whimsical thoughts can fill anyone's heart with joy. That being said, being pregnant also includes a lot of unknowns and, therefore, a lot of fear and stress. Many parents-to-be are fearful that something may happen to their baby, and rightfully so. So much can go wrong—a birth defect, a birth injury due to doctor negligence or medical malpractice, and more. Of course, birth injuries range from something like scoliosis, which is serious but treatable, to something like brain damage, which can be far more devastating. Most of these fears are ...
4 Tools to Help You Build a Stronger Gaming Company
Advice, AI, Innovation, Robots

4 Tools to Help You Build a Stronger Gaming Company

As a kid, you may have gotten scolded often by your parents for spending too much time inside on your computer. "Those video games will rot your brain," they said. Well, the joke is on them, because the video game industry has expanded exponentially over the past several years, and you've got a head start. With your years of training growing up, you may be interested in getting into the gaming industry professionally. Creating and selling video games is an exciting and fun profession, but it also takes work to run a successful gaming business. Since you have a company that will revolve around technology, you need the best software, servers, branding, and tools to be a leader in your field. This isn't a job for the faint of heart, and it will take dedication and innovative thinking to cr...
Why Salesforce Remains the #1 CRM Platform with Many Companies Offering Add-on Services
Advice, Innovation, News

Why Salesforce Remains the #1 CRM Platform with Many Companies Offering Add-on Services

Companies have been keeping track of client information for decades. Back in the day, companies had to use pen and paper to organize relevant data in ledgers and the like. The goal has always been to find patterns in the types of buyers, suppliers, and service users with whom your company interacts. These patterns have helped organizations target certain demographics for decades, unlocking strategies that could make their businesses flourish, and then altering their practices accordingly. Customer relationship management (CRM) software is the Rolodex of the 21st century. All of the information you have on your clients is in one organized place, but you can look through it without getting ink stains and paper cuts. Broadly, CRM is any practice, technology, or strategy designed to help bu...
5 Fool-Proof Strategies to Keep Your Small Business Organized

5 Fool-Proof Strategies to Keep Your Small Business Organized

Becoming a small business owner is an exciting journey, but it's also one that can quickly become chaotic if you're not careful. There are so many minute details to take care of in the startup phase of a business that it's easy to feel overwhelmed and unorganized. Luckily, there's an abundance of options when it comes to business software solutions. Here are some tips for becoming organized and some software solutions to help you along the way. 1. Digitize for optimal organization. In our modern world, digitization is an inevitable transition that businesses will have to make in order to keep up with the competition. Gone are the days of physical copies of work orders and invoices. By digitizing your company you will cut down on clutter, costs, and downtime due to lost or damaged recor...
How to Prepare for an Attorney Consultation
Advice, Legal, News

How to Prepare for an Attorney Consultation

When you set out to prepare yourself for a legal battle, it's important to hire the right attorney who has the legal experience for your specific case. You can arrange a free consultation at most law firms to determine the right attorney fit. You will receive limited legal advice during a consultation, but it's a great way to get a feel for a law firm's attorney-client relationship and the ability to fight for your legal rights. Finding the Right Attorney The first step in finding the right attorney is to search for a law firm based on your legal needs. Take the time to read online reviews and client testimonials. You can consider referrals but remember that your needs may differ from someone else's. Once you do narrow down your choices, confirm that their practice area aligns with your ...
What Is NP Arange?
Advice, AI, Innovation

What Is NP Arange?

An introduction to np.arange and its uses in the Python language. What Is NP Arange?  NumPy.arange, also called np.arange, is a core Python concept that is part of the language’s array (arr) creation routines. With a NumPy array, you can define the different interval (int) values and integers as well as the space between them. The resulting array follows the specified sequence. NP Basics  The np.arange syntax is commonly broken into several different parameters. You’ll also have a default step size for your sequence of numbers as well as your integer arguments. You can change this increment as you like though you need a consistent step size and a defined stop value or endpoint. The Start Parameter The first NumPy arange parameter is the “start.” This, of course, is the nu...
5 Tech-Related Business Ideas
Advice, Innovation

5 Tech-Related Business Ideas

Starting a business in the midst of a global pandemic may not seem like the best time, but this isn't necessarily true. Roughly 627,000 small businesses start in the United States per year, so it isn't hard to imagine that those with an entrepreneurial spirit want to join in. That said, roughly 20% of businesses fail within their first year, and 50% fail before making it five years. The most common reason for this is a lack of capital. Either business owners fail to secure enough funding in the beginning, or the costs of maintaining their businesses simply become too much. There are ways, however, to fight both the capital issue and the pandemic. If you start a tech-related business online, you should have significantly fewer start-up costs than a brick and mortar business, and you won'...
3 Things to Consider Before Implementing AI with Human Voice in Your Call Center
Advice, AI, Innovation, News, Robots

3 Things to Consider Before Implementing AI with Human Voice in Your Call Center

There are several things you can do to increase productivity in a call center. One of the first things that comes to mind is artificial intelligence (AI). This cuts down on the number of real people you need to hire to keep the business running smoothly. While AI has come a long way, nothing is ever completely perfected. So, if you’re thinking about adding AI with human voice in your call center, consider these three things first: Combining AI interaction and real person interaction While business for employers is generally about the numbers, for the customer, it’s more about feeling positively about a brand. This tends to come from a sense of a “personal touch” that keeps them coming back. However, customers still want a balance to cope with their busy lives. According to McKi...