Tuesday, October 22

Tips for Growing Your E-Commerce Business

The e-commerce industry was at its peak during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since social distancing and lockdowns required people to stay home for longer periods, digital living became the norm, and shopping isn’t excluded. If you own an e-commerce business, you’re in luck as the odds are in your favor. However, you still need to double down on a killer business strategy because there’s lots of competition out there.

People embrace entrepreneurship more than the conventional nine to five job in this era, so the online business space is packed with highly motivated and driven individuals ready to dominate the market. Therefore, it’s time to strap in and get to work planning and strategizing. If you’re locked, loaded, and ready to take the next step in the direction of growth, here are a few tips that could help you out.

Highlight your most popular products.


Showcasing your most popular products will certainly pique the interest of new visitors to your site. If you’re new to the business world or you’ve just launched a new product, you must have some statistics on the performance of your products. If you don’t, it’s not too late to do so now.

With the confidence that your star product is already doing quite well, spending money on marketing won’t be too daunting. You’re also more likely to increase profitability this way. If you can’t afford a marketing team or a full-time CMO, employing a fractional CMO to help with this is wise. A fractional chief marketing officer is a chief marketing officer you can hire for a set time or one you can outsource your marketing effort to. This marketing executive will take care of sales development, customer acquisition, your market strategy, and your market plan. A good fractional CMO could manage your sales team too.

Make your website mobile-receptive.

Over 90 percent of our everyday activities are done on our mobile phones, including e-commerce sales. Studies show that about 59 percent of e-commerce sales are made online. Online small businesses are said to make a mobile conversion rate 30 percent higher than large-scale retail companies. This all proves how important mobile optimization is.

Making your website desktop-friendly is great, but making it adaptable to different device sizes will enable customers to access it on any device, including their mobiles. Ensure that all buttons on your website are easily clickable, scrolling is easy, and your content is properly displayed by running frequent quality assurance (QA) tests. Also, improve customer experience by adding an autofill feature to the search tab.

One more thing that could help improve customers’ mobile experience is utilizing e-commerce artificial intelligence (AI). Companies like Amazon thrive because of e-commerce AI. With this cool technology, you can easily carry out certain business functions without needing too much human interference. Some of these activities include target marketing and ads, delivering targetted messages tailored to customers’ identities and purchases, seamless automation, etc.

E-commerce AI is made possible through data labeling; it’s the best tool for machine learning. If you’re not a tech expert, you can use data labeling platforms like Taskmonk.ai. Tools like this help e-commerce companies collect and manage a high volume of data.

Improve your customer service.

Customer service is one of the best customer retainer practices and grows your business faster than some other factors. People tend to trust companies that are reliable in terms of communication. There’s an assurance that they can easily contact you if they need help or have questions. The more online retail shopping grows, the more customers expect instantaneous results. Hence the invention of chatbots and other automated customer service software solutions. Whether you choose to use chatbots, call center lines, email service, or all of the above, ensure that your customer care service is top-notch.